The Ultimate Moving Checklist: Tips and Tricks for a Smooth Move

Property Sellers
March 21, 2023

Moving can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, but with some planning and organisation and a little help from the team at Farrell Heyworth, you can make the process smoother and easier. One of the most important things to do is create a moving checklist to help you keep track of all the tasks you need to complete. Here is a moving checklist that can guide you through the process of moving, from two months before the move to the day of the move.

Preparing for Your Move: 1-2 Months in Advance

Great news, you've had an offer accepted on your dream property and the sale of your home is going well. Once you have a date for moving day it's time to start planning. Not quite there yet? Our expert sales team can help

The first step in preparing for a move is to create a binder or folder where you can keep all your moving records, estimates, receipts, inventory lists, and other important documents. This will help you stay organised and keep track of all the details of your move.

Next, plan your moving method and get cost estimates. Will you rent a vehicle and do it yourself or hire professional movers? Research your options and make a decision based on your budget and the amount of help you need.

If you're relocating for work, check if your employer will provide any moving expense benefits or provide additional leave days. Also, research storage facilities if you need to store your belongings temporarily.

Schedule disconnection and connection of utilities at your old and new place. This includes phone, internet, water, gas, and electricity. Plan how you will move vehicles, plants, pets, and valuables. Create a floor plan or sketch of your new place to plan how you will arrange furniture.

Donate, sell, or dispose of unnecessary items to lighten your load. Schedule the transfer of records for children in school.

Acquire packing materials like boxes, tape, stuffing/padding, and marker pens. Make any home repairs you committed to making. Return borrowed, checked-out, and rented items, and get things back that you have lent out. Start using up food you have stored so there is less to move.

Countdown to Moving Day: What to Do 3-4 Weeks Before Your Move

Finalise your moving method and make necessary arrangements. Begin packing non-essential items and label boxes by room and contents. Separate valuable items to transport yourself and label them as "DO NOT MOVE."

Keep a box out for storing pieces, parts, and essential tools that you will want to keep with you on move day and label it as "MOVE DAY/DO NOT MOVE." Create an inventory list of items and box contents. Fill out a Change of Address form at a post office or online and provide important contacts with your new address, such as employers, family and friends, solicitor, accountant, and others. If you haven't yet found the right conveyancing solicitor, our legal partners can help.

Notify your insurance and credit card companies about the change of address. Cancel automated payment plans and local accounts/memberships if necessary. Take your vehicle(s) in for a service, especially if you are traveling very far.

Last-Minute Moving Tasks to Tackle 1-2 Weeks Before Your Move

 Continue packing and clean as you go. Pack items separately that you will need right away in your new home. Plan to take the day off for moving day. Find useful things for your children to do and involve them as much as possible. Find someone to help watch small children on move day.

 Begin to pack your suitcases with clothes and personal items for the trip. Reconfirm your method of moving with those involved. Make sure your prescriptions are filled. Schedule cancellation of services for your old place, such as newspaper, housecleaning, gardeners, widow washing etc.

 Check your furniture for damages and note them on your inventory. Take furniture apart if necessary (desks, shelves, etc.). Make sure all paperwork for the old and new place is complete. Get rid of flammables such as paint, gas canisters for BBQ’s in a safe manner, as they may not be allowed in moving vehicles.

Final Preparations: What to Do on the Day Before Your Move

 Finish packing and label the last of your boxes. Double-check your inventory list and make sure all boxes are labelled properly. Disconnect all appliances and electronics and prep them for transport. Pack a bag with essentials such as toiletries, clothing, and important documents to take with you on move day.

 Take apart any remaining furniture and make sure all parts are secured for transport. Clean your old home and make sure nothing is left behind. Confirm with your moving company or helpers about the time and location for the next day.

Navigating Moving Day: Tips for a Smooth and Stress-Free Move

 Get up early and have a good breakfast to prepare for the long day ahead. Verify with your moving company or helpers that everything is ready to go. Make sure all boxes are loaded and secured properly in the vehicle.

 Do a final walkthrough of your old home to ensure nothing is left behind. Lock up and hand over the keys to your Estate Agent, unless you have made alternative arrangements. This is a good time to check-in with your new landlord or Estate Agent to confirm move-in details.

 When you arrive at your new home, make sure the utilities are connected and all systems are working properly. Direct the movers or helpers where to place your belongings, and supervise the unloading and unpacking process. Check off each item on your inventory list as it's unloaded to ensure nothing is lost or damaged.

 Moving can be a daunting task, but with proper planning and organisation, you can make the process smoother and less stressful. Remember to take breaks, stay hydrated, and ask for help when needed. And most importantly, don't forget to enjoy the excitement of starting a new chapter in your life!

At Farrell Heyworth we love helping people from accross the North West to make the best move. If it's time for you to find a new home our local branch teams are ready for your call.

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